Self Assembly Courses Explained

We offer national coverage via our courier option. The course will be delivered to your venue the working day before the event and collected again the working day after. Get the groomsmen and the groom to set up the night before and play a round of mini golf to keep them entertained.

Personalised Portable Minigolf Course - Event Stuff Ltd Owns!


Your course will arrive on a pallet, wrapped and boxed. We use a third party courier to delver the course and will speak to you well in advance to arrange delivery to the venue.

Whilst the whole course packed on the pallet can be bulky, all the components are lightweight and easy to move in sections once it's broken down.

Make sure you keep the pallet! You'll need it for sending the course back to us.


Before you lay out the course, you need to find the right spot for it. Our courses can be used in-doors or out-doors and on almost any surface from lawn to tarmac.

The Ideal location will be mostly flat with a smooth surface. If it is being placed on grass, it's helpful if that grass has been cut recently.

Lay the tiles out

Lay them out, follow the guide?

Connect the tiles

Each tile has a simple but strong "zipper" connector that hold them together even being used by the roughest players.

Simply align the patterns on the edge and press down locking them together.

Attach the Bumpers

Our foam bumpers are kept in place with Velcro that sticks directly to the playing surface. Start from the "end" of the hole where the putting cup is and work back towards the tee off.

Place the obstacles

Finally, play the obstacles out on to the course. This is where you can get creative and make some fun and challenging shots!

You're ready to play!

Pack up & Collection

When you're all done, simply put the piece back into their boxes and put the tiles, bumpers and boxes back on the pallet they were delivered on. Wrap them up and their ready for collection!

Got any questions?

Drop us a message and we'll answer them.